ผู้แต่ง |
Tolle, Eckhart, | ชื่อเรื่อง |
1111 create a better life / | ISBN |
| เลขเรียก |
204.4 T651N | ลักษณะทางกายภาพ |
313 p.: 20 cm. | หมายเหตุ |
Originally published: 2005. | หมายเหตุ |
Summary: Are you ready to be awakened? Eckhart Tolle^'s A New Earth will be a cornerstone for personal spirituality and self-improvement for years to come, leading readers to a new levels of consciousness and inner peace. Taking off from the introspective work The Power of Now, which is a numberone bestseller and has sold millions of copies worldwide, Tolle provides the spiritual framework for people to move beyond themselves in order to make this world a better, more spiritually evolved place to live. Shattering modern ideas of ego and entitlem- ent, self and society, Tolle lifts the veil of fear that has hung over humanity during this new millennium, and shines an illuminati- ng light that leads to happiness and health that every reader can follow. | หมายเหตุ |
Summary: Self help | หมายเหตุ |
Summary: Mind, body, spirit | หัวเรื่อง |
Spiritual life. |